
it shall benefitcomplementary practitioners

The Mind/Body Connection.

In medicine there is a growing obsession with genetics. What if there was anythingthat was more fundamental that were overlooked. this text introduces you to that missing piece of the Jigsaw.

in keeping with the Merck Manual (bible of traditionalmedicine) hardly a single cause to any disease has been identified. occasionallywe here about this virus or that bacteria. Bird flu is the rage. we're lead to believe an epidemic is inevitable. If Louis Pastor had lived longer the germ theory may not have developed into the dogma it is today as he started to queryit. It was too late. Germs were the up to date enemy.

Hygiene definitely improved the lot of millions. method to the introduction of gloves in surgery thousands of lives were saved. the professionalgressioninside the quality of life that sanitation bshould eachyou'll be able to't be overestimated.

this can be also acknowledged althoughthat without germs life wouldn't exist. the usuals layed down for organic food isn't simplythe removal of pesticides but most significantly the rangeof soil organisms. they're the key determinant of the fitnessof the l. a.nd.

what's Meta-Medicine?

Meta-Medicine stems from a scientific discovery that sheds new gentleon the cause of disease. it is importantly a diagnostic tool and represents a paradigm shift in medicine on a Copernican scale.

inside the eighties a German cancer specialist stumbled across the answers. He discovered a system in nature which unites all mammals in as much because the y percentagethis common biological language.

Meta-Medicine takes under consideratiat the bio-psychosocial aspects to disease. that can be it looks at the emotional trauma, the physical clinical presentation and the environmental context of the patient. With these factors considered the patient gains valuable insights which canallowthem to regain optimum health.

Who would Meta-Medicine Benefit?

it shall benefitcomplementary practitioners Tiffany and Co elsa peretti open heart earrings platinum jewelry, Dr's. and poptients. Chiropracters will perceivewhat causes a herniated disc Tiffany and Co paloma picasso loving heart earrings mini jewelry, homeopaths are more able to focus their emotional based medicines and with Dr's it radically improves differential diagnosis

The Psyche Tiffany and Co Elsa Peretti QuadrifoglioT earrings jewelry, Brain and Organ

The Meta-medicine model unites these three aspects as a unified whole. not is there a dichotomy between mind and body as seen in psychiaattempt tomedicine. When considering disease these three want to be taken into account. They work synchroniously.

part of the reason for the dichotomy is couple of hundred years ago when the church held sway permission was only granted for readof the body provided that the mind/soul wsince the only domain of the church. desperate to do research this rule was adhered to.

Knowing this, you'll be able to even be more understanding as to how anythingso importantmight be overlooked a couple ofdefinitions of Psyche '

In psychiatake a look at- the mind since the middle of thought Tiffany and Co dragonfly charm and chain silver jewelry, emotion and behavior.

Greek for soul.

Mind as divided into conscious, premindfuland unconscious, Sigmund Freud.

The facetof the spirit that provides thought and direction.

The psyche's the integrator of all purposesof behavior and all spacesof conflict. Our thoughts and feelings impact our biology. In other words life's experiences define your personality. This conditioning in turn determines the best way you react to sureexperiences.

The Brain

that may be the fundamentalpcof all behavioural functions, conflict spacesand organs. Meta-Medicine is a diagnostic tool which uses CT brain scans to inshapethe consultation. identical to the rings of a tree give dataon the trees past history the CT brain scan records the history of vitalemotional events.

The brain also has direct communication with the organs and under surecircumstances will initiate adjustmentsinside the organ.

Differential diagnosis is an art whereby the Dr. differentiates which symptoms belong to which organ. necessarilyhe's a detective which attempts to succeed in at a correctdiagnosis.

CT brain scans permitfor more accurate differential diagnosis coupled with an understanding of the root cause.

So What Does Cause Disease?

for centuries man has suspected a psychic origin for disease. that may ben't anyw firmly anchored as a scientific fact because of the discovery of a German oncologist. One key fact to note is that emotional trauma will only impact the body if it comes as a whole wonderto the individual. These events are highly acute Tiffany and Co petals cuff jewelry, dramatic, isolating and catch us totally unawares. The word dis-ease speaks for itself - a scarcity of ease.

For What Purpose Dis-ease?

What do you do when feeling uneasy? you spotk for the cause and take a look at to modify the location thereby bringing security and peace of mind. The Dr. happened to be a qualifiedfessor of Biology and therefore couldn't assistancebut have a take a look at these processes through the evolution of species.

Noticing that nature was extremely conserved it was noted that all processes have a function whether man understands them or not.

An example the oncologist uses shall we say this. The deer loses its territory inside the rutting season. it is old and lacks the vigor it used to have. Unfortunately for the deer the quickage of territory means the highest for him. Mother Nature enacts a diffehireprogram we call disease. the fundamentalartery feeding the heart loses cells making the vessel wider. that may be understood an angina pectoris. This ensures increased blood flow with the accompanying nutrients and oxygen. The deer has a second fighting chance.

Everything in Nature is goal orientated or meaningful. The intelligence which crafted life doesn't make mistakes. Humans don't like to act in a void so concurrentlythe knowledge has been lacking we have developed hypothesis.

Now with Meta-medicine we have a methodl which accurately can trace the disease cycle from its inception. at some point the patient will become the boss and enlist a practitioners help only so as to facilitate them inside the ir evolution as a soul.

have you ever ever never wondered why after spending this type of lot time and money the condition persists?

If the conflict remains unresolved the realityorstays. a undeniableion need to be made between psychological and biological conflict. Stress effects us all but won't initiate the disease process. The conflicts only manifest inside the body within the event that they are highly acute, dramatic, isolating and shocking. we say biological since the se conflicts impact our biology.

Meta-medicine coaches assistanceexplain why they have pains, what the'ssues are and aid them to work through these. The meta-fitnesscoach aims to identify limiting beliefs and dysfunctional patterns of behaviour so as to damage vicious cycles.

"the secret of substances is to distract the patient concurrentlynature cures itself."(Voltaire).


