
California to continue his career with worthWaterhouse

What you probably didn't find out about William Niemi

John Foster Dulles states "a person's accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attentidirectly to detail." being attentive to detail is a suggestion for William Niemi. Bill Niemi has been a motive force and an inspiration in eachfacetof his life. Bill Niemi has positively influenced family,Randy Moss Jersey, friends,Terrell Suggs Jersey, business, and the community.

William Niemi used to be born in Detroit, Michigan within the early 50s. Bill's first interest was architecture, but being a person who pays attentidirectly to detail; he investigated his chosefield for the possibility of private and economic success, and choosed to, "rethink my options". He attended University of Michigan where he explored several spacesof focus. Accounting gave the impression of a career that maygive him expocertain to other forms of industriales. again, Bill was fine tuning his interests. He earned an accounting degree in 1976. in this time he worked as an intern at worthWaterhouse. Here, Bill spent 2 years as an organization auditor. He continued on with worthWaterspacein a rewarding career as a CPA, helping business and making vitalconnections,Bruce Matthews Jersey, both non-publicand business.

One vitalconnection for William began with a blind date where he met Beth,James Harrison Jersey, who later became his wife. The couple was married in Lake Tahoe and moved to the Granite Bay, California to continue his career with worthWaterhouse, identifyroots and starta family.

the second one vitalconnection was an actual estate client. Bill found he was intrigued by the actual estate progressionprocess. In 1982, Bill joined his client's company and for six years learned about turnaround management, helping companies with monetaryproblems and getting them he says, "heading in the right direction". In 1986, William Niemi began his own turnaround consulting company. at the same time asrewarding, it was very stressful and dadying attention to his instincts, Bill knew it was time to start out anew.

Niemi joined a progressioncompany that dominated the Sacramento hoemployingmarketplace for a few years. It was during these connections that Bill was elected president of the Building Induscheck outAssociation of advancedCalifornia. again,Brian Orakpo Jersey, with attentidirectly to the main points of the industry toto the community, Bill set himself apart as a pace-setter and a mentor to members of this Association. He was a driving influence in establishing BIA's Home Aid Sacramento, a philanthropic organization that coordinates the talents of the building induscheck outwith the wishes of the community. on this coveracity, Bill served as Executive Committee Chairman in 2004 and was presented the Meritorious Award for showing extraordinary commitment.

In 2005, William Niemi started the Wm. Niemi Companies that is interested in a brand new progressionin Southern Sacramento County. because the BIA says, William Niemi "is a unprecedented personand the induscheck outis fortunateto have this type of dedicated advocate"

